Xcel Energy has been the leading supplier of electricity across Denver and a significant proportion of Colorado. However, Denver holds a vision to use 100% renewable energy across Colorado by 2030.
Despite other states and countries working towards the same goal, for Denver, it is different. Denver seeks to help achieve a fully renewable electricity system, while other states focus on powering their cities and towns using renewable energy.
The disparency of Denver with the goals for other towns lies in their method of accounting. Denver’s accounting protocols for REC- Renewable Energy Credits are a measure of how much of the renewable energy is being produced and the amount that is being retired to help achieve the renewable energy goals.
Currently, the renewable electricity metrics have a holistic view and include;
- Distributed Solar – The REC created by Denver residents is shifted to Xcel Energy and retired to the system decarbonization.
- System Renewables– The REC in Xcel energy aims to deliver to retail customers that are not sold, subscribed, or created to other customers.
- Utility-Scale Subscriptions– REC retired as a result of participation in the Renewable Connect and Windsource programs I Xcel by the Denver customers.
Denver continues to work towards this goal. The City’s approach towards counting renewable electricity continuation helps measure the progress made towards the intended system-wide decarbonization.
Denver places its investments towards achieving clean and sustainable energy infrastructure for the community at the top. However, achieving these goals needs the City to forge meaningful partnerships with different players, such as with the current electricity service provider in Denver. It also needs the City to work hand in hand with the community-based organizations, City agencies, the general public, and other interdepartmental organizations.